AVT SuiteApp Innovations
AVT Sales and Operations Planning (SNOP) for NetSuite Demand Planning
Solution Benefits:
AVT Management Solution includes Gross Requirement and Report
1. Manage Inventory Forecasting and Planning
2. Improve purchasing
3. Reduce stock out issues
4. Improve Procurement
5. Integrated with NetSuite demand planning to provide optimal use.
1. Manage Inventory Forecasting and Planning
2. Improve purchasing
3. Reduce stock out issues
4. Improve Procurement
5. Integrated with NetSuite demand planning to provide optimal use.

Functionality and Automations Included in Scope:
1. Sales have extensive history available to assist them to formulate their quantity forecasts
2. Sales Management have tools that enable comparison of historical forecasts compared to actual results. This enables the efficacy of the teams forecasting to be developed and improved
3. Inventory and Manufacturing can be confident that forecasts are set and subject only to variations caused by actual market conditions. They can see that there is a well-defined methodology that is undergoing continuous review and improvement.
4. Finance can extract the quantity forecasts and use pricing models to determine what the forecast may generate in revenue. This can be compared with existing financial budgets
1. Planning product by location and Unit of Measure
2. Create dynamic item groups to use easy to use planning dashboard
3. Analyse data in Average Last 3mths, 6mths, and 12 mths buckets
4. Onscreen functionality – copy and paste forecasts, cut and paste from Excel sheets
5. Management Control over lockdown of Periods
6. The provision of a Download Capability for the Agreed Data into the Demand Plan.
7. Feedback analysis on actual demand vs forecast
1. The selection of single or multiple locations; this enables the deep dive into the data of a single warehouse or review the overall stock position for a region e.g. how will the northern regions be affected by a shortage of a particular item.
2. The option to include or exclude the Demand Plan; perhaps excluding for a short term review but including for a review across several months.
3. Ability to select a period of time for analysis.
4. Item to be included can be selected by type, category, preferred vendor
5. An exception report containing only combinations of items below safety stock and/or in negative stock
6. An exception report showing Critical Item Data, Upcoming committed and planned transaction Details, Forecast stock levels at critical dates
AVT has over 12 years of success with over 500+ business & process improvements
Focused on Manufacturing, Wholesale and Distribution verticals, we focus on effective and simplified processes through NetSuite cloud ERP, helping you to make faster and better decisions
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