Uniden Australian – Staff Completes ART04 Inventory Management NetSuite Training
Since its establishment in 1966, Uniden has grown to be a global leader in wireless communications and a major global brand in consumer electronics.
NetSuite Webinars
Reconciling Inventory/Goods Received Not Billed account
NetSuite Webinar – ARTWEB 02
Reconciling Inventory/Goods Received Not Billed Account Webinar
Reconciling the Goods Received Not Invoiced Account has long been a challenge for businesses busily receiving inventory or services with:
Purchase order lines delivered in part or in full
Vendor bills that may or may not match the PO or the Delivery
Price variations between the PO and the Bill
AVT has documented a process that greatly aids in managing the reconciliation of this critical business account so that variations can be identified quickly and action is taken to ensure that inventory is properly valued or non-inventory purchases expensed.
This Webinar includes Exciting Features:
Demonstrate AVT’s recommended leading practice for the processing of Item Receipts, Vendor Bills
How to review and ensure that the account is properly reconciling using:
AVT’s custom Saved Search
AVT’s custom Transaction Reports
Take away the stress and mystery that is often involved in running the “Post Vendor Bill Variances”
The solution provides tools to help manage the Goods Received Not Invoiced Account by tracking the relevant transactions: Purchase Orders, Receipts, Bills and Journals.
AVT is confident that Procurement and Accounts Payable staff will gain great value from this FREE webinar.
Presented by Absolute Vision Technologies NetSuite Senior Consultant, Ross Leahy on January 22, 2020.
AVT Training Courses enquires email: training@abvt.com.au
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